Another Rum Ashore - CD


This collection of songs includes a lot of new material for us as well as many firm favorites. We hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we did making it and we thank the many authors who have willingly given their consent to us performing their songs, with our own idiosyncrasies.

See below for track listing and samples.

Some of the tracks have samples you can listen to. If the little player strip does not show below the description then just click the title instead.

  1. Concertina Intro
  2. Boston Harbour
  3. Bright Morning Star
  4. Busk Ye
  5. Congo River
  6. Tramps
  7. Cornish Lads
  8. Fire Down Below
  9. So Long
  10. General Taylor
  11. Lower Lights
  12. Last Fisherman
  13. Faithful Sailor Boy
  14. Here’s a Rum & Shrub
    Sung by Bob and written by an old friend, Ron Openshaw from the Lizard, this song was nearly lost as Ron died soon after its first performance. Fortunately it was retrieved from a recording and is now a regular at many of our shows.
  15. Harry’s Song For Cornwall
    Nigel sings one of the many lovely songs from a proper Cornish treasure, the wonderful Harry (Safari) Glasson – it’s Cornwall in a song – no need for explanations. Carried on a stirring tune, the words speak for themselves.
  16. Here’s a Health
  17. Voyage of the John Bayly
  18. Shallow Brown
  19. Shiny Oh
  20. Time Ashore
    First sung by Alan when sailing past Ushant, it was written for a scene in Grimsby Fishing Heritage Centre showing a trawlerman being seen off by his family – but for Alan it reminds him of a much happier sailing trip!
  21. Tinker Tailor
    Written by Tom Lewis who is Nigel’s favourite musical ex-sailor. He sings this jolly song to his friends at St Merryn when they finish bell ringing practice on a Tuesday – the words could not be more appropriate.
  22. Spanish Ladies
  23. Trawling Trade
    A well known song by John Connolly documenting the harsh yet heroic lives of trawlermen past and present. Tony and Jinks resurrected this number from the days when they sang together in “Jinks’ Stack” but this time much reworked with a more powerful chorus.
  24. Pump Shanty
    Written by Tony Goodenough and performed by him in 1998 as an experiment in producing four line verses with each line rhyming with the others, this song has now become a firm favourite amongst shanty singers and has often been recorded


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